
Training Course In Leadership And Principles And Basics Of Entrepreneurship


The British Academy for Training and Development provides a training course in leadership, principles and fundamentals of entrepreneurship in accordance with the modern and advanced curriculum developed by the British Academy of Training and Development.

Starting a new job gives you more money and more opportunities, but it can lead to a narrowing of time as well as loss of friends and a reduction in social life. Then you must think of creating a balance of practical life to contain this fear rather than fear it, trainers and teachers can help us to choose the right job and solve professional problems.

To start small businesses and establish companies there are many skills that can be learned and acquired in the corporate world. For example, Tools and connect with people in various social and professional networks, and interview many people may become potential clients, as well as can imagine the worst case scenario contained occurrence, and planning for the worst cases you can take better action, and there are many skills that you will learn about them successively in this session.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development offers this course to the following categories:

  • Managers at all levels of management.
  • Owners of capital and investors.
  • Holders of degrees and universities who have an ambition to enter the world of entrepreneurship.

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following topics:

  • How to set up a small business and enter into entrepreneurship.
  • Prerequisites and secondary to start a new business.
  • Growth and development channels in business and ways to accelerate the business and growth of your company.
  • What skills and experiences will be gained or acquired in the new business.
  • The physical and psychological abilities necessary to manage the business and start seriously in entrepreneurship.

Course Content

  • The concept of entrepreneurship.
  • When will I become an entrepreneur?
  • Are the business man and the entrepreneur the same?
  • Elements of Entrepreneurship.
  • Entrepreneurship and scratch.
  • Leadership skills and their impact on entrepreneurship.
  • Planning and organization and its importance in entrepreneurship.
  • How to be the leader of your business.
  • Motivation and its importance in entrepreneurship.
  • Creative thinking and entrepreneurship in the business world.
  • Sharing ideas.
  • Important Tips for Success in Entrepreneurship.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3600 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£2880 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2232 / Member

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