The British Academy for Training and Development provides a training course in leadership, principles and fundamentals of entrepreneurship in accordance with the modern and advanced curriculum developed by the British Academy of Training and Development.
Starting a new job gives you more money and more opportunities, but it can lead to a narrowing of time as well as loss of friends and a reduction in social life. Then you must think of creating a balance of practical life to contain this fear rather than fear it, trainers and teachers can help us to choose the right job and solve professional problems.
To start small businesses and establish companies there are many skills that can be learned and acquired in the corporate world. For example, Tools and connect with people in various social and professional networks, and interview many people may become potential clients, as well as can imagine the worst case scenario contained occurrence, and planning for the worst cases you can take better action, and there are many skills that you will learn about them successively in this session.
The British Academy for Training and Development offers this course to the following categories:
After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following topics:
Note / Price varies according to the selected city